The US Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science provides a portfolio of national high-performance computing facilities housing some of the world’s most advanced supercomputers. These leadership computing facilities enable world-class research for significant advances in science.
Open to researchers from academia, government laboratories, and industry, the Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment (INCITE) program is the major means by which the scientific community gains access to the nation’s fastest supercomputers. The program aims to accelerate scientific discoveries and technological innovations by awarding, on a competitive basis, time on supercomputers to researchers with large-scale, computationally intensive projects that address “grand challenges” in science and engineering.
New INCITE proposals are accepted between mid-April and June 16, 2025.
Note: Between July and early April of the following year, the call is closed to new applications and will display the previous year’s call for proposals. However, you should review the Instructions, since they will provide guidance about the input and format of the proposal for the next allocation cycle.
Proposal authors are encouraged to consider applying for access to the systems in order to carry out porting, tuning, and benchmarking in preparation for an INCITE submittal. Requests for small awards of time (typically less than 75,000 node-hours) can be requested throughout the year from the Director’s Discretionary Program. Contact Us for more details.
Director’s Discretionary Programs
ANL: https://www.alcf.anl.gov/science/directors-discretionary-allocation-program
ORNL: https://my.olcf.ornl.gov/project-application-new
Due to anticipated demand, authors interested in requesting discretionary time should consider submitting an application at least 2 months prior to when the INCITE call for proposals closes.